Distorted Soul Reviews

Ok. So it seems that I have found my new favorite disc.

But please know this... For the last few years, I rarely turn on the radio and it's even rarer that I purchase commercial music. Most of my collection is obscure artists that either are close friends, acquaintances, something that someone has turned me on to or I've discovered on the internet. My listening habits are not by design really, but rather as a result of just searching for musical material that has all the criteria that I desire. All this to say, that I'm no judge of the commercial viability of any material, but I can damn sure tell you if it touches my soul or not.

Without hesitation, "Distorted Soul" is now at the top of my personal playlist.

The material is both well-written, thoughtful, thought-provoking and contains the type of production that I most appreciate. I describe it as being "loosely-produced." This approach allows the music, melodies, rhythms and overall "feel" of the production to take it's own course as opposed to being forced in one direction or another. You may or may not have an idea of how rare this quality is.

In that respect, I loved meandering through the disc with you and I really enjoyed where it took me. "Revolution" has long been one of my favorite topics, but not the type fought with battles and blood, but that of individual expression, provocative thought and self-discovery. You seem to understand this, and I find that inspirational. Your CD makes me want to be not only a better writer, but a better person as well.

As I become more familiar with the tracks, I would be honored to offer up more technical critiques, but for now, I'll summarize by saying that you, as an artist, have my respect and appreciation. And after our brief conversations last night, as a person, it seems that we share a kinship in why we do what we do.

Thank you again for sharing the disc with me as I hope to return the favor soon enough.

Best Regards,

Terry Thornhill
December 7, 2003

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